Salam and LOVE regards to all of you...~~~~
Many still do not really understand the service we promote you...LoveCreation is not basically on just wedding photography, but we also offer you one of our services; PHOTO RETOUCHING SERVICES.
Apa la agak2nya photo retouching ni???
Well~~~ to make it easier for you to understand, photo retouching service ni, adalah seakan-akan DR PHOTO anda!! KENAPA?? Ini kerana gambar2 merupakan bukti memori yang tiada tandingan dan tidak akan kembali lagi...All those picture akan menjadi kenangan sepanjang hayat kita and even throughout generations (cucu cicit kita nanti)... Melalui gambar-gambar ini lah kita akan dikenang selalu dan menjadi tatapan memori kita terhadap mereka yang tersayang...
Sebagai contoh, tengok je la kat Facebook apabila salah seorang kawan-kawan kita meng'upload' gambar kenangan kita sewaktu di sekolah. Dengan hanya sekeping gambar, ratusan "notification" commented on that particular, single photo...
SO, sekarang anda dah faham betapa bernilainya harga sebuah memori melalui sekeping gambar? MAKA dengan kesedaran itu, LoveCreation sepakat untuk menghadiahkan anda service yang tidak ternilai harganya ini setanding harga memori/kenangan yang ada di dalam sekeping gambar.
Photo Retouching adalah service di mana gambar yang tidak ternilai ini yang telah rosak, akan dibaik pulih dan diberi nafas baru, NAMUN, memori dan kenangan masih kekal selamanya.
As we know, old pictures are easily broken/damage due to unwaterproof and non UV protected papers. Therefore, LoveCreation will fix it for you as perfectly as the old ones...
LoveCreation uses the most quality and updated software which is complicated to be learnt and discovered. Our professional designer is purposely hired to learn and fix any kind of photos' damages to fit the customers' needs and satisfaction. Therefore, we do not over charge our clients as LoveCreation is very honored to pleasure all our clients with our services ;)
With a price range starting as low as *RM50 the memories will definitely hit you back and it will lasts for generations.... HURRY email DR LOVE for further information ~~