Monday, March 28, 2011

berehat seketika bersama........

pnt la upload gambo2 jap...just for future bride&groom information.....our latest package* including video montage* ... yg de bnd ni (*) is for certain packages... so, korg dah leh jimat manyak maaa.... ni sempena our 1st year of wedding anniversary....pakej limited until wife photographer get pregnant *peace* ;) so grab d chance....

by d way, nak share experience sket la regarding photographers ni...during ur wed, (which will b on next post), at 1st place, we decided to hire a more professional photographer. tau la..sekali seumor idop kawen...but when time was getting nearer, daud suddenly changed his mind... "why not we spend d photog's fund to something else better?" *da dtg dah sifat kedek dea ni* nadia ni pulak mmg x tentu arah dgn brg2 hantaran lagi, door gift lagi...pelamin sume lagi...setuju je la..maleh nak pk n not enough time to think bout it...

on tht particular day.....jeng,jeng,jeng.....

we asked a friend of both us amek gn kamera besor kami yg super mahal tu....diorg pe lagi kemain suke la...bkn sng kan got a chance to take photos of us.dolu2 kami yg dok tgkap gmbr korg kali ni kire diorg cm berbudi blk la...bak kate org buat baik di balas baik ;) so, kami pun bergambar sakan la d whole day ngn bebudak camwhore tu.....huhu mmg x mcm majlis kawen yg formal...tapi majlis kawen yg happening la...riuh suare diorg je..*time kaseh kwn2 sudi dtg ;)

at the end of the day....jeng,jeng,jeng.....(again)

mana gambar dgn nenek? mana gambar dgn cousin? mana gambar dgn makcik ni, makcik tu? mana gambar dgn WHOLE family????? arghhhhhhhh!!! mmg la pueh ati gambor kami byk, tapi with d families? xdeeee :( sgt sedey OK! bile nenek tanye, mana gambar kawen...nk tgk... we then look at each other...segan nak tunjuk cz sgt x formal without her pics and soo on... hukhukhuk

moral of the story?

1) jangan la kedekut to hire a photographer cz pelamin/hantaran/food n soo on hanyala untuk tht particular day ONLY! but albums/pictures/videos are FOREVER! *except kalao korg rancang nak kawen lain la...

2) please do not syiok sendiri time kawen nnt...*like what happened to us (T_T)

3) choose a photographer from a reliable sources

4) belilah emas untuk masa hadapan yg cerah..hihihi more info feel free to browse tis site *a site where we got ur belanja for kawen...